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Hello President Trump: Let’s Not Repeat the Economic Tragedy of the 2010s in the 2020s

If President Trump wants to bring the economy quickly back to full employment, he will have to confront the Establishment wing of his Republican party. The clash – if it comes – will be over Establishment Republican hostility to Silvrback blog imagegovernment spending. More spending will be needed to bolster an economy staggering under the blows of . . .

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June 12, 2020

American Virtù: Discourses by Michael Anton

Students of ‘intellectual Trumpism’ will be interested in parts of this recent interview with Michael Anton upon his leaving the National Security Council to take up a fellowship at Hillsdale College.  Under the pen name Publius Decius Mus, Anton was the author of probably the single most consequential political article . . .

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April 16, 2018

“19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election” – I am scared

Silvrback blog imageStatistician Andrew Gelman and political scientist Julia Azari have an interesting discussion paper on “19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election”.  The 19 things are grouped under Nominations and Campaigning, Polling and the News Media, How Voters Make Decisions, and The US Political Environment.  Here are a few that . . .

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December 25, 2017

Emancipation Day 1905 - and 'The Strange Career of Jim Crow'

Silvrback blog imageFrom the Washington Post of April 4, 1905:

“Richmond, Va., April 3 -- Thousands of Negroes observed Emancipation Day in Virginia today. The occasion resulted in an outpouring of the race never before equaled, armed with miniature United States flags and attended by brass bands.

"In addition, there was a unique feature to-night, . . .

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December 21, 2017


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